Monday, January 5, 2009

Motivate Me Monday

It's Monday, again...

Funny how they come every week, kind of like Christmas coming in December and the hustle and bustle that feels so last minute but we've known about forever.

For quite a while now, I have been a blog reader, attempting several times to start my/our own only to disappoint myself when it just didn't make the cut to get done. If you know me, you will know that I don't like to put things 'out there' that aren't perfect or at least close... so the blog never was perfect - thus not 'out there'.

Amazingly, a lot of things feel just not in order or not perfect in our home, especially on Mondays.
Yet, we still go 'out there' to work, to school, to church, to so many places - and while we're not perfect, we're there, so now the blog is here.

One of the blogs I like to read and am learning to participate in is the 5:16 am ladies. I don't like to get out of bed early, but once I'm up, I do love to spend quiet time with the Lord, my Bible, studies, devotionals and more. So, I'm going to participate to the best of my ability in Motivate Me Mondays. I'm still learning about Mr. Linky and all that goes with this but below is my first attempt. Ladies, if you're out there, and you've read this far - won't you join me?


We are all busy and we all know it, but some things must just take precedence. Note, I'm not necessarily referring to blogging, but it does make the list as an effective way to communicate with many friends and family that are far away and near... But the most important thing that has come to me in 2008 is that our faith development and actions must be intentional. (I totally 'borrowed' that word from another early morning riser, but it just feels so on target.)

My word of the second half of 2008 was contentment - any time I picked up my Bible or got deep enough into a study that word stood out on the page as if the author had written it with hot pink in a black and white world. So, I pursued study, scheduling and working with that word in mind. Am I content today? Not entirely, but I'm so much closer than I have been in the past! God has brought me 'this far' and He still has work to do in and through me - so with that -

The word for January 2009 is Intentional - how can I be more intentional - and what do I want to be intentional about? Those are the lists stirring in my busy little brain, we'll see where He takes them.

Happy 2009!


  1. I am SO glad you are joining us - imperfect blog (so you say) and all! :) I am so excited to grow with you and be a part of your life. It may be a friendship online, but it is a friendship indeed.

  2. Well, ya know I think it's a great word! Here's to learning to being intentional together!

    I'm glad you've put your blog out there - I am someone who requires prefection from myself too often, good thing God doesn't require the same of us!
